Tewkesbury's excellent location together with the area’s outstanding quality of life is the perfect combination to attract and retain employees. As a result, businesses are drawn here by the access to a plentiful supply of skilled labour.
More than a third of the local workforce is educated to degree level or above; higher than the county, regional and national average. In addition, the diverse economic profile of the area also means the workforce is used to working flexibly and quickly adapts to the needs of new investors.
Training and Education
To nurture new talent, the University of Gloucestershire provides a rich supply of graduates across a variety of disciplines. The university also provides a wealth of corporate training and research services to encourage Continuing Professional Development.
Ongoing skills, development and training facilities are delivered by Gloucestershire College across a vast range of sectors and industries. Together with other local colleges and training providers, there is a plentiful support for apprenticeship schemes.
At Gloucestershire College’s Oxtalls Campus, The Growth Hub provides a range of specialist business training needs, to support workforce and personal development.
In addition, Tewkesbury Borough Council’s Economic Development team works closely with a range of partner organisations to ensure any local developments or investment can increase job opportunities for local people.