A wide range of support is available for businesses starting up, expanding or investing in Tewkesbury. So, whatever your size, sector or type of enterprise there is assistance available to help you grow.
How can the Economic Development Team help?
The team can provide a bespoke package of advice to help your business thrive and prosper, including:
- Business related support and guidance.
- Grants and funding advice.
- Signposting to other services and partners.
- Updates on local business news and events.
- Business surveys and economic data.
- Inward investment enquiries.
- Advice on availability of premises.
There is also a regular Borough Business E-newsletter, which offers an up to date source of local business information and highlights any relevant local support initiatives or events. If you require any further information, please contact the Economic Development team at Tewkesbury Borough Council below:
T:01684 272249 E:economicdevelopment@tewkesbury.gov.uk
A wealth of support is also available from other key agencies across the area:
GFirst LEP (Gloucestershire's Local Enterprise Partnership LEP)
GFirst is the service that promotes Gloucestershire as a location for business, helping drive sustainable economic growth in the county
T:01242 715480 E:info@gfirstlep.com
Gloucestershire Enterprise Ltd (GEL)
GEL offers a range of practical advice and training services designed to help local businesses grow and develop
T:01452 221777 E:info@glosenterprise.co.uk
Ask Us Business and Patent Library Centre (PatLib)
Gloucestershire Libraries are now working in collaboration with the Intellectual Property Offices (IPO) PatLib network to provide local access to patent, trademark, design and copyright information. The service aims to help individuals and businesses understand the importance of Intellectual Property (IP), how to identify the Intellectual Property they might own and how to apply to protect Intellectual Property assets.
The staff at the Patent Library Centre can also provide free business information including targeted mailing lists and company reports from the comprehensive business database Fame, which contains information on both public and private companies across the UK and Ireland.
T:01452 426977 E:patlibgloucester@gloucestershire.gov.uk
Tewkesbury Growth Hub
Based at Tewkesbury Borough Council, Gloucestershire, the aim of the Growth Hub is to encourage businesses to realise their potential and grow. It's the county's focal point for the relevant information, guidance, support, expertise, finance, knowledge and experience to help companies take the next step
T:01684 272073 E:tewkesbury@thegrowthhub.biz